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  1. Berikut ini adalah tape script soal listening tentang lokasi suatu benda atau posisi seseorang dari UN 2006-2011. Silahkan cocokkan tape script dengan gambar yang ada. 
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    A. The train is running by the river,
    B. The ship is sailing on the river,
    C. It’s raining heavily on the mountain,
    D. The people are gathering around the train,


    A. The mother is cooking for her son,
    B. They are having a picnic in the park,
    C. The boy is playing alone in the house,
    D. She is carrying the boy on her shoulders,


    A. There is a computer monitor on the table,
    B. The stereo headphones are on the book shelves,
    C. The students are using the self access center,
    D. the tape recorder is put beside the white board.


    A. The man is standing behind the desk,
    B. There is a lot of stuff on the desk,
    C. There are a lot of people in the exhibition,
    D. The man is on the stage,


              A. Some people are standing at the bus stop,
    B. The passengers are getting out of the bus,
    C. The bus is at the shelter,
    D. The car is parked behind the bus,


    A. They are waiting to board the bus,
    B. There are some passengers on the bus,
    C. The pave is crowded with pedestrians,
    D. There are many people on the train,

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