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  1. Hi,...
    Do you need some example of  job vacancy for your english materials?
    Here I'd written the Job vacancy for English practice as requirements for Final Examination 2019 for my beloved students.
    If you need it please copy and paste, and it's my pleasure if you give your comment in the post, thanks.

    1. Example of Job Vacancy for Computer Department students ( XII TKJ students)

    2. Example of Job Vacancy for Textile Department students ( XII TPT, XII TPK and TB students)

    3. Example of Job Vacancy for Automotive and Machine Engineering  Department students       ( XII TSM, XII AUTOMOTIVE students)

    Fine after you analyse what position you want to apply, you have to write an application letter, don't you? Here are the steps how to write a good application letter and also the example of it.
    please click here  Example of Application Letter ( Contoh surat lamaran kerja)

    Next you have to prepare for interviewing. here are 10 Pertanyaan yang Sering Muncul Saat Wawancara Kerja

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