Example Text of Simple Report
Rabu, 31 Juli 2019
Read the report1. IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to survey the different types of motorcycle, the Key Considerations While Shopping it and to briefly discuss predicted advancements in the field.The first series production motorcycle was produced by, Hildebrand & Wolfmüller In 1894 and the first to be called a motorcycle. In 2014, the three top motorcycle producers globally by volume were Honda, Yamaha (both from Japan), and Hero MotoCorp (India).In developing countries, motorcycles are considered utilitarian due to lower prices and greater fuel economy. Of all the motorcycles in the world, 58% are in the Asia-Pacific and Southern and Eastern Asia regions, excluding car-centric Japan.According to the US Department of Transportation the number of fatalities per vehicle mile traveled was 37 times higher for motorcycles than for cars.2. Different Types of Motorcycles2.1 StandardCommonly referred to as “naked motorcycles,” these bikes are known for their upright riding position. Both handlebars and foot pegs are situated so that riders can maintain a comfortable position without having to reach too far forward. Their moderate-size engines and functional, user-friendly design make them a good option for new riders2.2 CruiserCruisers are modeled after large American machines from the 1930s to 1960s – the most popular being Harley-Davidsons. These bikes have a V-twin engine designed for low-end torque and offer a low riding position, high handlebars and forward foot pegs – causing riders to lean back slightly. This seating may not be ideal for beginners who are anticipating riding at higher speeds for long periods of time, since pulling back on the handlebars to battle wind can be tiring.2.3 Dual-sportReferred to as dual-purpose or on- and off-road motorcycles, dual-sport bikes have high seats and a high center of gravity to better handle rough ground. They’re similar to dirt bikes, except they feature mirrors and lights that make them legal to ride on public streets. Their small engines and lightweight frames make them a good choice for a new rider, as long as they can straddle the bike with both feet planted on the ground.2.4 TouringDesigned for long-distance riding, touring motorcycles have large engines and bigger fuel tanks. They give riders a comfortable, upright seating position and more storage, but their size and higher cost may make them more suited for experienced riders.2.5 Sport bikeOptimized for high speeds and acceleration, sport bikes have high-performance engines on a lightweight frame. They feature higher foot pegs and a longer reach to the handlebars, which is beneficial when riding into the wind at higher speeds. At lower speeds, sport bikes can be tiring because they put more weight on a rider’s hands and wrists.2.6 Sport touringConsider these bikes a hybrid between a sport and touring motorcycle. Compared to a sport bike, sport touring bikes have more storage, but are overall lighter in weight compared to a touring bike. They also offer a more relaxed seating position.Once you select the type of motorcycle that suits your needs, you also need to decide on the specs of your bike. Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re motorcycle shopping:3. Key Considerations While Shopping3.1 Engine sizeEngines are measured in cubic centimeters or CCs, which refers to the volume inside the engine where air and fuel is combined to power the bike. Typically, a motorcycle with a higher number of CCs means a bigger engine, more power and faster speeds.3.2 Weight of bikeThe heavier the bike, the harder it is to operate. You need to be able to upright your bike if it gets knocked over.3.3 Height of seatWhile straddling the bike, make sure your feet can touch the ground when you stop. Also measure the length of your leg from the bottom of your foot to your groin. If the seat is higher than the measurement, the bike is most likely too tall for you.3.4 New vs. usedA used motorcycle may be less expensive, but could cost more in repairs and maintenance in the long run. Check out the table below for more information that can help you choose between a new and used motorcycle.3.5 Motorcycle shipping optionsIf you’re buying your bike long distance, one of your biggest decisions will be choosing how you want it shipped.Motorcycle carrier: these are specialized trucking companies that only ship motorcycles and will have the most experience handling bikes. They usually offer the best insurance coverage, as well.Auto transport companies: These firms ship vehicles either in open or closed trailers. An enclosed trailer will protect your motorcycle from the elements and has the lowest theft risk since your bike isn’t out in the open.Agents and carriers: Although some agents have their own fleet of trucks, many others will act like brokers and simply find a third party to transport your motorcycle for you. This can save you time finding a specialized carrier, but if the agent or broker recommends a commercial carrier be sure the company has the right equipment to ship your bike safely.4. ConclusionThis report has identified six types of motorcycle and five key Considerations While Shopping. The types of motorcycle have improved significally in recent years in terms of weight, size, price and speed. The result of this repot is expected to decide the best motorcycle that we need.
Adapted from: http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/resources/script.pdfAnswer the Questions1. What is the presentation about?A. Improving children’s nutrition and healthB. Improving children’s schools2. Who is the audience of the presentation?A. StudentsB. Teachers3. According to the presentation, what is one of the causes of the decline of children’s ability to learn and do well in school?A. they are physically inactiveB. they drink more milk than carbonated soda4. What is the national epidemic mentioned in the presentation?A. School crisisb. Childhood obesity5. What disease do today’s children have that was once limited to adults?A. OverweightB. Type 2 diabetes6. What is a healty school nutrition environment?A. A school whrre nutrition and physical activites are taught and supported throughout the school?
B. A school that only offers classes about nutrition and physical activites.Posted by dunia smk on Juli 31, 2019 | Label: English Materials | 0 komentar |
Writing Simple ReportMeaningA report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documentsThe purposeThe purpose of writing report is to persuade a specific audience to undertake an action or inform the reader of the subject at hand. Some common elements of written reports include headings to indicate topics and help the reader locate relevant information quickly, and visual elements such as charts, tables and figures, which are useful for breaking up large sections of text and making complex issues more accessible.Some examples of reports are:• Annual reports, Auditor's reports, Book reports, Bound report, Retail report, Census reports, Credit reports, Demographic reports, Expense report, Experience report, Inspection reports, Military reports, Police reports, Policy reports, Informal reports, Progress reports, Investigative reports, Technical or scientific reports, Trip reports, White papers, Appraisal reports, Workplace reportsThe Structure of a ReportIntroductionThe introduction sets out what you plan to say and provides a brief summary of the problem under discussion. It should also touch briefly on your conclusions.Report Main BodyThe main body of the report should be carefully structured in a way that leads the reader through the issue.You should split it into sections using numbered sub-headings relating to themes or areas for consideration. For each theme, you should aim to set out clearly and concisely the main issue under discussion and any areas of difficulty or disagreement. It may also include experimental results. All the information that you present should be related back to the brief and the precise subject under discussion.4 Conclusions and RecommendationsThe conclusion sets out what inferences you draw from the information, including any experimental results. It may include recommendations, or these may be included in a separate section.Recommendations suggest how you think the situation could be improved, and should be specific, achievable and measurable. If your recommendations have financial implications, you should set these out clearly, with estimated costs if possible.Source: https://en.wikipedia.org********************************************************************************Report atau laporan adalah dokumen yang menyajikan informasi dalam format yang terorganisir untuk audiens dan tujuan tertentu. Meskipun ringkasan laporan dapat disampaikan secara lisan, laporan lengkap hampir selalu dalam bentuk dokumen tertulis.Format yang paling umum untuk menyajikan laporan adalah IMRAD yaitu introduction, methods, results, and discussion.Reports atau laporan biasanya diikuti features seperti tables, graphics, images/ gambar voice, or dan kata-kata khusus yang ditujukan untuk membujuk atau meyakinkan audiens tertentu untuk melakukan suatu tindakan atau memberi tahu pembaca tentang subjek yang ada.Beberapa contoh repot adalah:• Annual reports, Auditor's reports, Book reports, Bound report, Retail report, Census reports, Credit reports, Demographic reports, Expense report, Experience report, Inspection reports, Military reports, Police reports, Policy reports, Informal reports, Progress reports, Investigative reports, Technical or scientific reports, Trip reports, White papers, Appraisal reports, Workplace reports[3]Source: https://en.wikipedia.orgPosted by dunia smk on Juli 31, 2019 | Label: English Materials | 0 komentar |
Rabu, 24 Juli 2019
CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP (HUBUNGAN SEBAB AKIBAT)Kalimat sebab akibat adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu situasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya situasi lainnya. Situasi yang menjadi penyebab dinamakan cause (sebab) dan situasi yang menjadi akibat dinamakan effect (akibat).Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Sebab Akibat:1. I got flat tire, so I can’t come on time at school.
Cause: I got flat tire
Effect: I can’t come on time at school.2. She came late to her school this morning because she got a little accident.
Effect: She came late to her school this morning.
Cause: She got a little accident.Secara umum cause ditulis lebih dahulu baru kemudian diikuti effect. Namun tidak jarang juga effect ditulis lebih dahulu dan diikuti oleh cause seperti dalam contoh kalimat sebab akibat di atas.Aturan menyusun kalimat sebab akibatDalam Bahasa Inggris, untuk menghubungkan situasi yang memiliki hubungan sebab akibat, diperlukan connectors (penghubung) tertentu, yaitu:· conjunctions: because, as, so, for, since, as a result, because of, due to, owing to, as a result of, as a consequence of· adverbial conjunctions: thus, therefore (for that reason), thereby (by that means, as a result of that), hence, consequentlyPenggunaan connectors tersebut mengikuti beberapa aturan sebagai berikut (perhatikan secara seksama peletakan connectors dan tanda baca yang digunakan pada masing-masing contoh kalimat:Aturan 1 : Connectors Diikuti noun (kata benda)
Connectors tersebut adalah : due to/owing to /as a result of/as a consequence of/ because of + noun (kata benda)Connectors + Cause, + Effect
Effect + Connectors + CauseContoh:1. Carol is very proud because of her beauty2. Due to rainy weather, Nina brings an umbrella.3. Owing to Nany’s sincerity, everyone loves her.4. Many buildings were broken as a result of the earthquake.5. John is fired as a consequence of his fatal mistakes.Aturan 2 : Connectors Diikuti clause (klausa)
Connectors tersebut adalah : because, as, so, for, since, as a result + clause (klausa)Connectors + Cause, + Effect
Effect, + Connectors + CauseContoh:1. Because I will take her postgraduate study in Australia, I decided to move there next year.2. As the government has announced the new petrol price, some gas stations follow this regulation.3. For I cannot do all the test items on time, I fail to get a perfect score.4. My friend is invited to follow English Camp in Singapore since he is one of the experts.5. May father has got a flat tire, so he cannot reach the office on time.
Posted by dunia smk on Juli 24, 2019 | Label: English Materials | 8 komentar |
UNDERSTANDING CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP IN ENGLISH TEXT1. Read the textPeople around the world has known bicycle since a long time ago. When bicycle invented for the first time, it has function as transportation equipment, people used it to go everywhere, but now bicycle can be used as exercises equipment, or just for hobby. When people ride a bicycle, accident can happened . This bicycle accident can be caused by the broken equipment, weather condition, or the biker’s carelessness.The failure of the equipment can be one of the cause of the bicycle accident. For example, if the brake of the bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something. There are many another equipment of the bicycle can be the root of the problems in a bike, such as handlebar, tire, etc. The equipment also cannot work proper if it or they have been out of their work time, too old. The bikers should take care and give attention to the bike’s equipment to keep away the accident from them when they ride their bike. Therefore it is important for the biker to check everything before they ride their bicyle. This is can be the best way for the biker to avoid the accident caused by the failure of the bike’s equipment. The safety of riding bicycle can create by the biker itself.Weather condition can be another cause of the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy and windy situation. In the rainy situation, the water may impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes. Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a biker also has difficulties in controlling the bike because of the wet road they through. In windy weather I think it is impossible to handle the bicycle as good as in the good weather, because it may cause the bicycle unsteady. The bikers should pay attention in weather if they want to ride for exercise or just riding around a place. They should not ride after the big rain or when the wind flow fast around the bikers.The last cause of the bicycle accident is the carelessness of the biker. If the reason above is include to non-human factor, this is the human factor that can cause bike accident. This is the most happen to the bikers when they ride. Sometimes they do that by their awareness or they do that just because it is a habit. Sometimes the bikers do not care about the traffic signs. They stop in the place where they should not stop. This carelessness is the number one of the cause of bicycle accident in riding bike. To avoid the accident which caused by this factor, the bikers should give attention more in traffic sign and focused well when they ride a bike.
2. ENRICHING VOCABULARIESFind the meaning and synonym of the following words:a. Inventedb. caused byc. equipmentd. The failuree. brakef. in steep descent,g. handlebar,h. tire,.i. Weatherj. rainyk. windyl. obstructm. carelessnessn. awareness3. READING COMPREHENSION1. What does the text tell us about?2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?3. ” For example, if the brake of the bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something.” (Second paragraph).Can you find the cause and effect of something shown in the statement? Please explain it.
Posted by dunia smk on Juli 24, 2019 | Label: English Materials | 0 komentar |